Tell Me A Story

Spring 2024

In a space designed for storytelling, we decided to bring you the various avenues that storytellers utilize to share their passions with the Baylor University and Waco community.

Featured Posts

  • Surviving the Mind

    Surviving the Mind

    Written by Kaitlyn Clink and Trong Mai Illustrations by Claire Teng It is no secret that 2020 will go down in history as a year of change, struggle, and overcoming what seems like endless obstacles. Coronavirus took the world by surprise and showed its resilience, leaving countless issues in its wake. One specific issue is…

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  • Faith in Times of Fear

    Faith in Times of Fear

    Story by KJ Burkley Photos by Kaitlyn Clink Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church of Waco has stood the test of time, continuing to support the community as a place of worship and a place of service for Waco. Greater Ebenezer has called 919 Dutton Ave. home for over a century. The church has faced many trials…

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  • Landscapes in Lockdown

    Landscapes in Lockdown

    Story by Emma Whitt Art by Claire Gustafson No movies, no galleries, no museums, no concerts—quarantine felt eerily like it could be the death of the arts. But for Claire Gustafson it was just the opposite. In spite of many businesses struggling through the pandemic, Gustafson actually found a way to launch her own art…

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  • Students Take a Stand for         Change

    Students Take a Stand for Change

    Story by Rebekah Carter Photos by Brittney Matthews “Black Lives Matter means simply that my life and the lives of other people that look like me matter,” said Spring senior Lexy Bogney, president of Baylors NAACP chapter. “If you replace the word Black in this statement and put the name of any other Black person,…

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  • Polarizing Politics

    Polarizing Politics

    Written by Rebekah Carter Illustrations by Emma Whitt Over the course of 2020, major political issues began to unfold. After footage of George Floyd being arrested and killed by police was shared with the public, the Black Lives Matter movement was kicked into full gear; there were protests and political turmoil throughout the nation. Amid…

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